The Legend
Kichwa legend states that women, specifically Kichwa women, carry the essence of the Guayusa tree.
The story passed on over generations is that of a woman that slept all the time. Every day, the community would rise, drink Guayusa, and work with the land. The woman, however, would wake up late and walk around the jungle instead of working. One day, when she was walking, a branch of a tree held her by the hair (in general, Kichwa women have very long hair). When the branch pulled her hair, she tripped and there was a gust of wind. At that moment, she began to call for help and heard a voice coming from the tree. The tree asked her: ‘Why don’t you want to work? Why are you walking and harvesting the fruit that others have labored over?’ The woman replied that she did not want to hear anymore. The tree then asked her to commit to waking up early to drink the tea infusion from the leaves. As her head hurt, the woman said: ‘Yes, I will do that.’ The tree then further advised, ‘Take the leaves and drink the tea every morning and share your dreams and plans for the day. Also, after you drink, take a bath and do a sauna with the leaves. This way, any feelings of fatigue will leave and you feel strong with the plant’s positive energy to work.’ When she arrived home, she started to help the family and, the next day, she drank the Guayusa and started to work. Other families took notice of her shift and the woman started sharing all of her harvest.
This legend is passed to each generation to teach how vital the Guayusa plant is for the Kichwa culture and how it helps them navigate daily life. It’s said that once you drink the Guayusa tea infusion, the plant will guide you back to her place of birth, Ecuador.
The Science
Guayusa (Ilex Guayusa) is a tree native to the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. The etymology of the word means good, pleasant, or invigorating leaf. It has been cultivated by Amazonian native cultures for nearly 2,000 years and is related to Paraguayan mate (Ilex paraguayensis), which is widely consumed in the form of 'mate cebado' in Argentina and Uruguay. Archaeological evidence suggests the plant has been used and traded in the greater Andes-Amazon region since at least 500 A.D.
The Benefits of Guayusa
The leaves naturally contain caffeine, an alkaloid, so its intake doesn’t produce anxiety
In addition, the leaves contain antioxidants, amino acids, chlorogenic acids and L-theanine
Guayusa is light in flavor and is free of tannins
More about Guayusa Here.
The Ancient Tradition
Sacred Guayusa is cared for and harvested by the Kichwa community in the Napo region of Ecuador. Every morning, around 4:00AM or 5:00AM, family members wake up, light a fire and put Guayusa leaves in a pot to infuse. This morning ritual, or ‘guayusada’, typically takes place in the family home or with the community where everyone meets to drink Guayusa, share their dreams, and the elders pass on ancestral knowledge.
The Kichwa, and many Amazonian cultures, believe our dreams are messengers and guides for our waking state. Guayusa is a bridge to the dream world. Our dreams give us insights to how to navigate the day and our work. In the Amazon, Guayusa is said to hypnotize snakes and insects. The more you drink, the more immune you are to a bite.
Every year in February, a Guayusa festival is held to give honor and reverence to this plant.
The Respect
We are committed to showing up with respect, not entitlement. We will not participate in the extraction of ancestral knowledge, plants or colonial practices. The Kichwa community of Napusamai are co-creators- not charity, not employees (meet the team). We all receive an equal percentage of sales.
We respect and honor them as partners, teachers, protectors and co-creators. We believe in access and opportunity for all. We believe in our power, as a BIPOC collective, and we will not participate in a system that creates disempowering narratives and co-dependencies. Your purchase enables a system of mutual reciprocity, healing and respect.
The Co-Creation
This venture. This vision. It was activated long before this physical space. We would wake up at 4/5AM to drink Guayusa and talk about our dreams- literally and figuratively. With trust in Guayusa, Kichwa wisdom keepers, the ancestors, ourselves, and the process the dream of Sacred Guayusa was born.
We invite you to sit in co-creation with Guayusa.
Drink the tea.
Choose a partner.
Activate your dream.
Sacred Guayusa is more than just a tea. This is a diverse community united in co-creating and activating the visions of a better world in partnership with plants and people.

“Kichwa wisdom.”
— Quote Source